There are times in our walk with God when we find ourselves burned out, backslidden or spiritually cold. We should not have such moments but the vast majority (if not all of us) face such times. Why does this happen? How can we avoid such unwanted stretches in our spiritual life? How do we climb out of these spiritual low points once we have stumbled and fallen into such a malaise?
Spiritual depression is not hard to spot in the church today. Our churches are full of people who need the spiritual version of Prozac. Too many are missing their time with God, worshipping half heartedly and going through the motions of "religious" life. We can be free of the epidemic which undermines the spiritual vitality of so many but in order to do so we must willingly surrender something to God very precious...our life!
The reason spiritual depression is so rampant in the American church is because many have yet to genuinely surrender the whole of their life to God. We can never fully enjoy the life (extreme quality of life) God intends for those who follow Him without this full surrender to Him. Half hearted devotion inevitably leads to emotional and spiritual depression.
Go to Christ and admit your sin, idolatry and all the things you are keeping from Him. Tell God you want Him to have every part of who you are and make the decision to lay your life at His feet! Ask God to make you "willing to be willing" to follow Him, especially in those instances when you struggle to give up control of your life. God will take you up on the invitation, revive and lift you from the depths of the spiritual depression you may be in today!