Tuesday, March 19, 2013

God is Good All The TIme!

"God is good, all the time, He put a song of praise in this heart of mine. God is good, all the time!" These words, from a popular chorus of a few years ago, sum up the way I feel this morning. God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good!

Often folks judge the goodness of God in subjective fashion based upon their current circumstances. God is good when things are going "well." When things are not so "well" God is determined to be "absent" or some other sanitized word used when questioning the goodness of the Almighty. Such temptations to judgment should humble us. How dare we question the goodness of the infinitely good God? How dare we question the righteousness of Jehovah based upon some momentary hardship? Job learned such wisdom in a very hard way I hope none of us must endure! God is righteous and good all the time!

Look around you today, regardless of any momentary hardships, and give thanks for the goodness of a God who promises to love and be faithful to you. God created you and continues to give grace for life. Regardless of what you face today, God is still in His Heaven, still sovereign, still loves you and is always good! 
