Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Justified...Are You?

Christians usually use the term "justified" to indicate one's standing before God. So, usually, the word "justified" means "to be declared "ok" and "good" by God because of one's faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross for his or her sins." However in James 2:24 the scripture says, "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone." Have we got it all wrong? Are we declared "ok" and "good" by God through something more than our faith in Jesus???

If we look at the context of the passage in James we see he uses the word "justified" differently than Christians most often use it. James is using "justified" in terms of vindication or evidence. Our actions give evidence and prove our faith in Christ to be real. In this case the word "justified" indicates the surety of our relationship with Christ. James says in 2:18, "I will show you my faith by what I do." Our actions, more so than our words, should give proof and vindication of our faith in Christ (what we believe and trust to be true about Him).

So, are you justified before God and the world today? Is your faith proven real by your works? Is the faith you profess with your mouth making a difference in your life? Can others see that difference? James said in 2:17, "faith without works is dead faith." Dead faith cannot justify a person before God nor will it justify him before man because such faith is simple lip service. Make sure you have real, saving faith that makes you justified before God (declared good and in right standing) and justified before man (proven true by the change seen in your actions). True, living faith that justifies a person before God produces obedience to Him (Romans 1:5). Don't be fooled by any imitations...make sure you have the real thing; make sure you have real faith in Jesus!

Pastor James

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