Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What Does "Forever" Mean?

"the man who does the will of God lives forever."
--1 John 2:17b

Have you spent much time considering what the word "forever" actually means? The truth of the matter is we have little or no concept what "forever" or "eternity" actually mean. After all, how can we truly understand the ramifications of something for which we have no frame of reference to actually measure? Everything in our current life has an end: television shows have their series finale, bowls of ice cream end when the last bite is eaten, snow ceases when the last flake falls, relationships end through divorce, break up or death and life itself (at least physically) ends when the last breath is taken. Everything in our world has a beginning and an end so how can we ever really understand John's words? What does it mean to live forever?

I believe the best way to understand the "forever" of this passage is to consider "time" as God does. What if there was no beginning or end to anything but instead everything simply existed at the same time. Stay with me! Consider time from God's perspective for just a moment and I think you will understand where I am going with this line of thinking. God is outside of time so in His perspective all of time, from beginning to end, is like a shoe box full of activity. God sees the beginning of time at one end of the shoe box and the end of time at the other end of the shoebox but everything is happening simultaneously. If God is truly omniscient then this certainly would be the way He sees history as well as the future of the human race. The place from which God views this "shoebox" of activity is "forever" or eternity and only those who know Christ as Savior will enjoy life there with Him someday.

I believe "forever" is as much a place as a reference to unending limits of existence. Of course, we are going to live without end but more importantly we will live with our God who exists outside of time. The greatest truth we can take from John's words is simply this: The man or woman who has a relationship with God (only those in relationship with Him could ever be obedient to Him) will enjoy life with Him in a place where time will be no more. Time will be like an old shoebox which has been put away in the recesses of some far away closet. Puts things into perspective doesn't it? Do you know Jesus? Will you leave the "shoebox" someday to live in forever with Him?


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