Thursday, March 24, 2011

What It Means To Have a Shepherd

I was praying this afternoon and God brought me to Psalm 23. King David wrote this familiar Psalm and in so doing recognized his dependence upon God for everything. David, one of the mightiest men to ever walk the earth, understood his place in God's economy.

Kind David was far from perfect but he was called a "man after God's own heart." He was a mighty warrior, leader of men and the greatest King Israel had ever known. Men wanted to be David and women wanted to be married to David! He was the pro athlete, movie star and super hero of his day. Yet, even in the midst of the greatest blessing and success a man of his day could attain, David recognized his dependence upon God; the kind of dependence a sheep would have upon its shepherd.

David knew his life was not simply the product of what he could do, but rather the product of everything God could do in and through him. God was the Shepherd who provided for David's needs. God was the Shepherd who led David into righteousness (God's way of doing things) so David could glorify God (be a testimony of God's power and character). God was the Shepherd who protected (staff) and guided (rod) David through the day to day living of life. God was the Shepherd who never left David and gave Him courage as he experienced the shadows and valleys of life (even the valley of the shadow of death). God was the Shepherd in whom David entrusted his future and received hope of Heaven. David was thankful for all he knew God and God alone could do in, through and for him.

As I read and pray Psalm 23 I can almost feel the peace and relief King David must have felt as he wrote this great Psalm. David, one of the greatest, most capable men the earth had ever known, was relieved and at peace because he knew his life was completely in the hands of God. May we too find such great peace and release.


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