Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: How Much Wealth is Too Much?

Many Americans are taking to the streets right now in a protest uniformly known as "Occupy (enter city name here). What started as a Wall Street phenomenon has mushroomed into a nationwide protest against corporations and the wealthiest among us. While these protests seem to lack coherency or uniform demands, the fact they exist at all may demonstrate quite a bit concerning our country's collective soul. The existence of these protests begs the question, "What is fair when it comes to how much one may or may not possess?" Roseanne Bar believes she has the answer to such question in the video link found here. Her dream of a maximum wage of 100 million fails to adequately answer our question since she seems to have pulled her number out of thin air; I wonder how close her own personal wealth approaches such a figure?

Scripture is full of men of God who possessed great wealth. Abraham was a very rich and powerful man during his lifetime as was Isaac and Jacob. Joseph was second only to Pharaoh in power and wealth during a time in which Egypt was perhaps the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth. Solomon was and is the wealthiest man the earth has ever known. Possessions and wealth are not inherently evil. It is not the possession of great wealth that is evil but the love of great wealth that is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim 6:10). And herein is the beginning of the answer to our question: A person is able to have infinite wealth as long as the possessions themselves never possess him; as long as "things" never take the place of God in his or her life.

God often gives great wealth and power to those whom He may trust to do His will. This does not mean every rich person is a Christian or even a righteous one; neither is it God's will to make every Christian wealthy. But, God often gives great wealth to individuals who have proven they will always turn the blessing back to God in praise, gratitude and obedience. Those who do not have such a capacity are often prevented, by God's grace, the temptation of having more wealth than they could bear. Therefore, as we consider how much is "enough" or "too much" wealth, there is an element of God's sovereignty to consider. You very well may be a person in whom God has determined He can place great resources for His Kingdom work. You may be one who has the generosity and capacity to hold loosely the gifts God has given and for these reasons He continues to bless you with more.

The communist Karl Marx popularized a motto in 1875 which stated, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)." Many would champion this ideology as the most compassionate and "Christian" one could hold. In fact, many who are marching in the streets of the United States likely hold to some form of this message. But, this is not the will of God! From the above examples we see it is often God's will to place great wealth, well beyond the needs of any individual, in the hands of those who will be God's blessing and provision for His work on earth. With this in mind, we must admit there are those who have wealth and use it for evil or selfish purposes. Yet, even these self-indulgent individuals are in affect used of God as He directs all things to His appointed end. The wealth of the wicked and the plans of the unrighteous are never outside the purpose and plans of our God. Satan himself found this out when his most crafty of plans, the cross, used to destroy the life of our Savior, was in reality a means in the hands of God for the accomplishment of His plan; the salvation of mankind. Our personal need is never the determinant when it comes to what we may possess. The plan God has for us, is the determinant for what we possess.

How much is too much? For the believer in Christ there is really no answer to such a question because we have no idea the extent of God's plan for our life. We will have all we need to fulfill God's will and purpose for the life we live on earth.

So what about fairness? While the popular cry seems to be for everyone to have the same amount of wealth in order for fairness to be achieved such a notion has never been a part of God's plan for the world. "Fairness" isn't determined by the opinions of actors, politicians or pastors. Fairness is determined by God as He decides what is necessary for each of us to fulfill His purposes. If one receives great wealth in this life he or she also receives with it the great responsibility of using it for God's Kingdom plans on earth.

John Wesley was once quoted to have said, "Make all you can, save all you can, give away all you can." Perhaps this little quote is better summation of what I have written today than I could ever provide for myself. What you have is not nearly as important as what you do with what you have. May all we have and all we do be to the glory and for the purposes of God!

Pastor James

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Road to a Blessed Life: Why Faith Matters

When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she would give birth to the Savior of the world she believed what the angel told her and asked how it would be done. This is in stark contrast to the father of John the Baptist who, when told by Gabriel his aged wife would give birth, doubted the word of the angel and asked for proof it would happen. The consequence of Zechariah's unbelief was nine long months of no talking! God gave proof that the word of the angel was true but the proof was a consequence of his unbelief. This (consequence) is the case when we lack faith in God's Word! Both of these stories can be found in Luke chapter 1 and I encourage you to read them today!

Unbelief produces a myriad of problems for those who doubt God and His Word, the Bible. Often times, we miss out on the promises of God for no other reason than our lack of faith to embrace and realize them in our life. The old adage is true, "God has great things in store for you!" But the "great things" often require great faith! If you lack the faith, you lack the greatness the Lord intends for your life! Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) was visited by Mary and encouraged her with the words found in Luke 1:45, "Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." This blessing is for you and I as well! Blessed are those who believe what the Lord has said to them will be accomplished! What are you struggling to have faith for today? What have you found in God's Word that you struggle to believe is true for you?

God's Word, the Bible, is absolutely true, perfect and without any mixture of error. These Scriptures are for the building of our faith and what God promises therein is absolutely trustworthy. Pray and make sure you are not looking for signs where promises are already made by the One God who always keeps His Word!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is Mormonism a Branch of Christianity: Is Mitt Romney a Christian?

Is Mormonism a branch of traditional Christianity? The current controversy surrounding the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the White House has brought this question to the forefront of our 24 hour news cycle. Is Romney, an avowed Mormon, a Christian like any Baptist, Presbyterian or Methodist is generally thought to be? The question finds it's answer in a quick look at the differences between the two groups: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and what is traditionally known as Christianity.

Christians believe God has always existed in His current form; God has, in affect, always been God. Mormons believe God was once a man as we are now men and women. Mormons believe God was exalted to Godhood and begat billions of spiritual children through his spiritual wife; the firstborn among these children was Jesus. During preexistent times (before earth and humans) Mormons believe these spiritual children had a war with one another. Lucifer, also a child of God, led the rebellion against Jesus and the followers of God. The spirits who chose not to become involved in this rebellion latter became human beings on earth.

Christians believe human beings are created in the image of God and become existent upon conception. Christians believe that they will someday go to Heaven to be with God for eternity. Christians believe humans will live in eternity to love, worship, serve, glorify and enjoy God as well as all He has prepared for us in Heaven. Mormons believe each human male has the opportunity, through a faithful and moral life on earth, to someday be exalted to Godhood as the Mormon god is now. Mormons believe each man has the potential to be exalted to a God and have his own planet to populate. Of course this is not the greatest future for the wives of Mormons as they will be eternally pregnant birthing spirit children.

Christians claim the Bible, Old and New Testaments, as holy scripture, authoritative for matters of faith. Mormons claim a book of scripture in addition to the Bible as holy and authoritative for faith. Joseph Smith, the creator and founder of Mormonism, claimed to have been visited by an angel named Moroni who gave him a set of gold tablets and seer stones with which to interpret these tablets. It is from these "tablets" Smith claimed he created "The Book of Mormon." Mormons claim this book to be a testament of faith equal in authority to the Christian Bible. Christians do not accept the "Book of Mormon" in any way shape or form. "The Book of Mormon" has never been accepted as Scripture by any Christian group in the history of the church.

Mormons have always attempted to relate themselves to the traditional Christian church in an effort to gain validity for their theological cult. As you can see from these few examples mentioned here, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) is in no way related to the true Christian faith. The Mormon definition of God, Jesus, the doctrine of humanity and Scripture are all very different from the definitions found in traditional Christianity.

Mormons are usually very nice, moral people with conservative, traditional values. They are often very likable and most would like to believe they are Christian on account of these things. But, there are many likable, friendly, moral people who are lost and going to hell because they lack an authentic relationship with the one true God through His Son Jesus Christ. Pray for those you know lost in the deception of the Mormon cult. Many of these fine people do not know the true doctrines of their Mormon faith and how they differ from those of traditional Christianity.

Do not be fooled by those who claim Christ yet have very different ideas concerning who He was and is. For further information and help on how you can minister to those you know who are lost in Mormonism click on the following link to be directed to a wonderful ministry called "The Watchman Fellowship."

Pastor James

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Steve Jobs Tragedy

The news is abuzz with stories about Steve Jobs and the wonderful things he brought to the world. I have an iPhone, iPad and once owned an iPod. My life is significantly different because of Steve Job's creative genius. But the accolades seem to go beyond the many things he left behind; there are an overabundance of stories concerning Job's management style, leadership style and passion for life. While all of these are noteworthy, the one overarching point which seems to be missed in the adulation is his lack of faith. Steve Jobs was an avowed buddhist and died separated from God.

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" These words from Jesus are pertinent to the Steve Jobs story. Mr Jobs, as much as any man before him, gained the world. He had an unlimited supply of money, tremendous gift of creative genius, worldwide fame and enormous power. Jobs had the world but in the process of attaining it lost his soul. To believe otherwise is to deny the words of Christ when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The only way to God is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The only way to God is through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. While living a life devoted to learning, creating and possessing, Steve jobs missed the most important thing to be known and possessed in this life; Jesus Christ and His salvation.

Steve Jobs will be missed for the things he gave us but 50 years from now everything he created will be in an antique shop or city dump. The old poem says, "Only one life t'will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last." No truer words can be said while reminiscing the life of one such as Steve Jobs. May his passing convict our hearts, bring us to more concerted prayer and produce urgency to share our Savior with the world lost in darkness.
