Monday, October 10, 2011

The Steve Jobs Tragedy

The news is abuzz with stories about Steve Jobs and the wonderful things he brought to the world. I have an iPhone, iPad and once owned an iPod. My life is significantly different because of Steve Job's creative genius. But the accolades seem to go beyond the many things he left behind; there are an overabundance of stories concerning Job's management style, leadership style and passion for life. While all of these are noteworthy, the one overarching point which seems to be missed in the adulation is his lack of faith. Steve Jobs was an avowed buddhist and died separated from God.

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" These words from Jesus are pertinent to the Steve Jobs story. Mr Jobs, as much as any man before him, gained the world. He had an unlimited supply of money, tremendous gift of creative genius, worldwide fame and enormous power. Jobs had the world but in the process of attaining it lost his soul. To believe otherwise is to deny the words of Christ when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The only way to God is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The only way to God is through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. While living a life devoted to learning, creating and possessing, Steve jobs missed the most important thing to be known and possessed in this life; Jesus Christ and His salvation.

Steve Jobs will be missed for the things he gave us but 50 years from now everything he created will be in an antique shop or city dump. The old poem says, "Only one life t'will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last." No truer words can be said while reminiscing the life of one such as Steve Jobs. May his passing convict our hearts, bring us to more concerted prayer and produce urgency to share our Savior with the world lost in darkness.


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