Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Which Morality Will We Choose?

A great question was raised in a Bible Study Class at our church a few weeks ago, “Can we legislate morality?” The answer is an emphatic yes! Every law ever passed by our congress is the legislation of some type of morality. It is illegal to steal, kill, commit fraud or beat up your neighbor. All of these laws are grounded in a Judeo-Christian sense of morality; the morality upon which our country was founded. God also legislated an incredible amount of morality in the Old Testament when He taught the children of Israel how they were to be governed as a nation. These laws are found in the book of Deuteronomy. In fact, the Ten Commandments themselves are simply legislation of a morality determined by God.

The question really isn’t whether we should legislate morality but rather which morality to legislate. Will we craft our laws around a Christian understanding of morality or a satanic one? Will believers guide the political process and give direction to our politicians as they craft legislation or will we cede such responsibility to those who deny the lordship of Christ and follow (knowingly or not) Satan. Satan is more than happy to fill any gap left by Christians indifferent to the political process. We do not have to look long to see how Satan has done this! Abortion, the push for gay marriage and euthanasia are just three examples of how Satan is pushing his evil, immoral ways on our country. If Christians are duped into believing they cannot or should not legislate morality, they leave ourselves open to the legislation of immorality in its place.

As the church of Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to pray for our leaders and be the moral conscience of our country. We cannot close our eyes or live in denial of the important responsibilities of Christian citizenship. We must vote, be involved in the political process and pray!

Pastor James

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Facebook Is No Substitute For The Front Porch!

"Love your neighbor as yourself." -- Matthew 22:39

The world is more connected today than ever before in history. We have Facebook, Facetime, Twitter, email and a myriad of other ways to socially connect with those whom we desire to know and interact. But are we connecting in ways which matter most? It is a great question and one we should consider carefully. Interaction via social media is great but actual time spent in the presence of another human being is still irreplaceable!

God created us to be social people and the internet certainly helps to facilitate some of our needed social interaction. However, the need to feel a hug or see the smile on the face of someone next to us cannot be satisfied through a computer screen or telephone. We still need to make the necessary effort to be in the same room with other people! One of the great wonders of the 20th century was the front porch and the friendships which were nourished over a cup of coffee or piece of homemade pie. These relationships were strengthened and developed by the real “face-time” given one another on those porches. There is no substitute for these “front-porch moments.”

Take some time this week to consider how much you depend upon the computer for the relationships you have with your family, friends and church. There is nothing wrong with the use of social media as long as it does not replace more meaningful ways in which to interact with those we love. Go visit someone this week! Take someone a plate of cookies and see with your own eyes the smile it brings to their face. Visit your friends or family and experience a little “porch time” this week. Rediscover some of the more simple ways we might fulfill the command of Christ to love one another!

Pastor James

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What We Do Matters...To Everyone!

*Note* The flu threw me for a loop pretty good and changed my plans for Lenten devotional writing. So...on to other plans for Easter!

Flu season is upon us in full force. The doctor tells me we are experiencing a late “flu season” and judging by how difficult it is to get Tami-flu at the local pharmacy he seems to be right! I know of what I speak for I am just getting over a bout of the sickness. The flu bug entered our home and paid a personal visit to both me and my son. My wife escaped any sickness which, since she did not get the flu shot this year, I can only attribute to God’s mercy toward me and the boy; we were both completely worthless for about a week and needed mom/wife/nurse Kim! If I were Catholic I might believe she to have earned her sainthood last week! We are both very thankful both to God and Kim for nursing us back to health!

Unfortunately, my flu was a malady I suffered this year for the simple fact I procrastinated and never got a flu shot. Who am I kidding? I have yet to receive a flu shot in any of my 41 years of life on this earth. Somehow I have missed the flu during this span (at least in my adult years) but recent experience has caused me to rethink my annual roll of the dice. Knowing me and my short memory, I might be tempted to skip the flu shot or procrastinate again next year had I been the only one to suffer the ill effects of my foolishness this year. But, my son suffered for my poor decision. I did not get a flu shot, caught the flu and brought the bug home to my son (who did not receive his flu shot because the doctor was out of the vaccine at his six month check-up). The flu was tough to endure but it was a cakewalk compared to watching my son suffer its ill effects. I would do anything to keep him from ever experiencing that again! If only we had the same understanding of how our sin affects those closest to us.

Some years ago, at another church where I was pastor, I noticed a young woman crying following one of our worship services. I walked over to her in order to find out if she needed prayer or help and discovered her heart was broken because her father’s extra-marital affair had been discovered the week prior. In the heat of his passion and lust this young lady’s father thought very little of how his decision to cheat would bring brokenness into the life of his daughter. Her life would be forever changed because of the sin of one close to her. So often we bear the consequences of the sins of those around us and are left to pick up the pieces. As the poet once said, “no man is an island” and our actions affect everyone around us.

The flip side of this is the opportunity we have to impact the lives of others for good and the Kingdom of God. It does not take George Bailey, Clarence the angel or a movie to show us we can have a “Wonderful Life.” Scripture has already told us how this happens as we follow Christ and His purpose for our life. When we share our faith or live the love of Christ, others are affected in a positive sense. Take a look at your life and consider how your decisions are affecting others for the Kingdom of God and good or creating hurt and hardship. Do not fall into the trap of believing you and your decisions are purely of a personal nature! What you do affects the heart of God as well as the lives of so many others!