Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What is Lent???

Ash Wednesday and Lent are here! I can hardly believe it is time to type those words as it seems Advent happened only moments ago. The clock keeps ticking and thankfully we are here to hear it! So what is Lent? How can we celebrate it? And why should we celebrate it? I am going to give you the condensed and some might argue protestant version; I believe the following may help the Lenten season become a significant part of your spiritual life.

Lent is the 40 days preceding Easter Sunday. For those of you numbering the days, we do not count Sundays when tallying the length of Lent. These are days in which to examine one's conscience and ask God to reveal any and all unconfessed, un-repented of sin in our life so we might repent. It is a time for reflection and spiritual "housecleaning." To put it in old school terms, Lent is a time for revival and renewal. Lent is a time to get right with God and consider the price Christ paid to make a way possible for us to do so.

Often people will give up or take on something as a part of their Lenten devotions. Such a practice is great if it is something which will help point us to God. Anything we can give up or add which helps us better prioritize and enjoy our relationship with God is a good thing regardless of the time of year. Scripture admonishes us to fast and we should do so often!

Tonight is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season for 2013. This particular day is a time to reflect upon our mortality and subsequent hopelessness if not for the death and resurrection of Christ.

I hope you will find a church to worship with and celebrate the gift of Jesus this Lenten season!


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