How often do we, like the apostles in our passage today, fail to understand something God is doing in around us? We often fail to see things for what they really are until Jesus is glorified. Once the power and character of Jesus are revealed we see the circumstances of our past and present in a much different light. We see Jesus "come through" and show Himself faithful, powerful, capable, trustworthy, etc, and realize the bigger picture; we understand our life in a new way. The disciples often experienced this in their time with Jesus. Jesus would tell the disciples things which seemed strange or even absurd! Just imagine what they must have thought when Jesus told them they must eat His flesh in John 6! Only later, when Jesus was more fully revealed and the circumstances of His death, burial and resurrection more completely understood, did they truly comprehend. The metaphor could then be understood as it was intended; Jesus is the giver of life and only those who come to Him can be saved to eternal life.
Ask Jesus to reveal more of Himself to you so your circumstances might be seen in the light of who He is and what he is about the business of doing in your life!
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