Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Looking For Something?

Have you ever lost something and searched for it diligently? Last week, I misplaced my bluetooth, the little piece of technology which allows me to talk on my iphone hands free, and panic ensued! I speak of panic jokingly, but Kim and I did search the house diligently to find the little flashing blue piece of technology. You see, on average, I am attached to my phone several hours a day and that little technological wonder has become a significant part of my life! So we searched tables, counters and even both vehicles in search of the hidden jewel. We were determined to find that earpiece! Eventually, we gave up the search only to discover, after picking up clothes from the dry cleaner, I had left my bluetooth in a shirt pocket and taken it to the cleaners. What a relief!

In Hebrews 11:6 God gives a wonderful promise to those who would diligently seek Him; seekers of God will find Him! What does it mean for people of faith (for you must have faith and believe in God's existence to seek Him in the first place) to seek God. How do we actually seek after Him?

The Greek word translated in this passage "seek" can mean to seek out, search for, investigate, scrutinize, beg and crave something or someone. So, in Hebrews 11:6, to "seek" God means to get serious about our desire for a more intimate relationship with Him. More specifically, to seek God means we cry out to Him in prayer while deeply searching the Biblical revelation He has left of Himself. This little word translated "seek" carries with it an idea of passion and zeal thus the reason many English translations put the word "diligent" alongside it. The bottom line...If we become serious about our relationship with God and seek more intimacy with Him He promises to reward us with more of what we seek...Him!

God promises every one of us deep, intimate, personal relationship with Him if we choose to seek Him. Have you met God? If so, have you continued to seek Him? If not, can you think of one reason NOT to start today?


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