Thursday, July 1, 2010


"Jesus answered, "everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become a spring of water welling up to eternal life."" --John 4:13-14

The "water" Jesus speaks of in our passage today is the Holy Spirit and relationship with God which Christ gives to those who have faith in Him for their salvation. Those who drink water to satisfy physical thirst will need additional water to satisfy future thirst but those who drink the spiritual water Christ offers will never again have need of anything to satisfy their spiritual thirst!

We all are born with a "spiritual thirst" for deliverance from sin and relationship with God. Jesus came to satisfy our spiritual thirst through His sacrifice on the Cross. Once we accept Christ as our Savior we have unfettered access to God and His Spirit becomes a "spring of spiritual water" welling up within us giving us life in God.

Many place faith in God's grace and salvation through Jesus for their relationship with God yet fail to enjoy full satisfaction of their spiritual thirst. These unfortunate ones already have all of the "water" they need to satisfy their spiritual thirst but simply fail to put the "cup" to their lips! God is waiting for us to "drink deeply" our relationship with Him! The "cup" I reference here is the means of grace by which we enjoy our relationship with God; our time spent with Him. Are you putting the "cup" to your lips? Are you spending time with God? Are you enjoying the full benefits of your relationship with Him?

Many people are saved through faith in Christ yet spiritually thirsty because they have failed to drink from the spring of water welling up within their own heart! If you find yourself a little spiritually dehydrated today go to the spring and be satisfied in Christ!


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