Monday, August 16, 2010

The Path to Happiness

"But his delight is in the Law of the Lord" -- Psalm 1:2a

We are beginning this week with the first phrase of verse 2 in Psalm 1. This verse begins the process by which the Psalmist, in this case King David, will teach us how we can have a blessed life. The word here translated "blessed" carries with it the idea of being happy. We all hunger for happiness! So how can we live a life of blessing that is filled with occasions of happiness?

To "delight" in something means to take pleasure in, long for or deeply desire. David here helps us understand the rightful place of God's precious Word in the life of the believer. In David's day the only written collection of God's revelation of Himself was the first five books of the Bible. These first five books are often called the Pentateuch. So if you are reading a commentary and someone sitting in an ivory tower uses this technical term for these books you can recollect your time spent reading our friendly blog and know of what the writer speaks! In David's day the people of God called these first five books "The Law." Some Israelites also call these books the "Torah" which means instruction. These five books contained the law, or instruction, by which God intended the ancient people of God to live their life.

Today, our collection of God's written revelation of Himself, includes 66 books in what Christians call the Bible. We have much more revelation than those following God in the days of David (around 900 BC)! What an incredible opportunity we have to read the Scriptures so we might know God's heart and follow His revealed will for our life! But the challenge David extended to his first readers 2900 years ago remains for those read this Psalm today: "Will you long for, desire and delight in God's Word?" This is the only way in which a person might find true happiness; we must follow what God has said is true. We must accept the truth of who Jesus is, give our life to Him and live for Him. We find the way to do these things by reading, learning and meditating upon God's Word, the Bible.

If you lack desire for the Bible begin to ask God for a changed heart. God wants His people to spend time reading and meditating upon the revelation of Himself found in His Bible. Those who choose to live for God by study and meditation upon His Word will find themselves in a whole new world of blessing and happiness...that's a promise!


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