Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do Atheists Know More About Christianity and Religion Than Christians Do?

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have." -- 1 Peter 3:15a

How well do you know your faith, world religions or the rights you have to practice your faith as an American? A recent survey done by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found less than half of Americans surveyed know answers to basic questions about Christianity, world religions and religious freedoms afforded in the Constitution. See Article About The Study Here Guess which group scored the lowest on the quiz given by the research group...Bible-belt southerners! The group who should know better than anyone else what the Bible says and what the world without Christ believes, apparently know the least about either. Perhaps most surprising is the identity of the group who scored highest on the survey, agnostics and atheists! Apparently non-believers and the confused know more about the truth than most who profess belief in it!

As believers we are charged to know our God and the Word he has given us. Are you ready to give an answer for the hope you profess in Christ?


From time to time I am reminded why it is not a good idea to trust CNN as your sole source on anything news related. The article I cited in my blog post today is misleading. I am going to link an article from the New York Times which gives a much better and broader view of the results in the above cited article READ NY TIMES ARTICLE HERE I must say, for perhaps the first time in my life, the New York Times has made me feel a twinge better about the world in which I live! Nevertheless, be ready to give the reason for your hope!



  1. On questions about the Bible and Christianity, Mormons and white evangelical protestants scored the highest, according to the New York TImes piece on the survey. Atheists placed so highly because they knew so much more about other world religions than did Christians.

  2. Good to know more of the details...I wonder the score on constitutional issues. It is interesting how CNN reported this survey...they indicated much different results than what you report on behalf of the Times. Of course, there is no such thing as media bias...right?!?!?
