Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Is There Life After Death?

I once had a conversation with a man who was convinced there was no such thing as life after death. I put forward a simple proposition, "If I can exist now, in this world, why could I not someday exist in another world? If I know I am here now why could I not be self aware in a world beyond this one?" The light bulb came on and our conversation took a decidedly different direction thereafter.

Self awareness is a reality science cannot explain for it belongs in the world of the meta-physical. Meta physics being the "branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world." Man has always done his best to answer questions such as, "Why am I here? How did I get here? Where am I going when I leave here?" Such questions should be asked by each and every one of us. However, it is important to begin any attempt to answer such questions from the place we exist right now; I exist, am aware I exist, and can be concerned for where my life is going. This starting point not only gives context but also defines the parameters by which conversation on such matters may take place.  The sheer facts of what we know about our existence qualifies the conjecture, assumptions and conclusions we make about any potential future. Without a starting point all conversation is purely speculative at best and complete fairy tale at worst.

I know there once was a builder of the building in which I sit for the building itself gives evidence to such. My existence is evidence a creator once made me. If I accept such hypothesis as fact the real question becomes who created me and why? Fortunately the Bible gives me a clear, irrefutable answer to both questions. Clear, because God states as much and irrefutable because there is no possible way to deny the veracity of such a claim. 

God created me so I might glorify Him and enjoy Him forever....


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