Friday, October 26, 2012

Romney Versus Obama: Where is The "Righteous Disagreement"

I do not like many of the policies of President Obama. My dislike for the policies of our president has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin. Some may be surprised by that statement because many in our nation believe you cannot disagree with the current president and not be a racist. Yet, I have always had friends of every color. I grew up surrounded by hispanic, black, asian and white friends. We enjoyed the differences our race and culture brought to our friendships. Mine was one of the first generations to have integrated schools and we benefited greatly from the experience.

I disagree with Mr Obama on healthcare, abortion, gay marriage, military spending, welfare reform, immigration, taxation, national debt and many other important issues to the future of our country. I oppose the man because I believe him to be of the wrong opinion concerning these important issues. Yet I can still love him, want the best for his life and hope he changes his mind on these particular issues. I can pray for the president to have wisdom from God as he leads our country.I can disagree and yet not be disagreeable.

As Christians, we should always practice the discipline of "righteous disagreement." We must love those with whom we disagree even when that disagreement is strong. Jesus said we are to love our enemies so we certainly should love our fellow Americans with whom we occasionally disagree. We should pray for those who hold views other than our own and look for ways to bridge the gaps which so often exist between us. One of the great tragedies of our politics today is the absence of those who would lead our political parties to practice "righteous disagreement." 

This political season has been a difficult one for our country. We have not seen much "righteous disagreement" from the two major political parties. As believers in Christ let us join together in setting the example for how we might disagree and love at the same time. May the American church lead the way this political season and show our nation how to practice a politic of love rather than a politic of hate.


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