Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Thought On Why People Vote The Way They Do

The election is concluded and Barack Obama has been reelected president of the United States. Many in the Republican party consider the events of the last 24 hours shocking, unthinkable and unbelievable. How could a person with the president's record be hired for another term? How do we elect the leaders who lead us? What motivates folks to vote as they do?

One irrefutable fact is the majority of Americans do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. This lack of faith most assuredly has impact upon our elections both now and throughout our history. However something new and very troubling is happening in America; twenty percent of the American people now refuse to identify themselves by any faith or religion at all. This lack of affiliation means at least one fifth of our population feels no accountability to a deity of any kind. This is incredibly telling and gives us a peek into the psyche of many who punched a ballot yesterday. Once accountability to God is removed as a motivating factor for behavior, people simply do what is right in their own eyes. We only need look at the Old Testament book of Judges to see the impact such behavior has on the quality of life for a people and their nation. We do not want to take this road to its final destination.

I do not mean to imply the impact of this demographic movement to be unique to the Democrat party. Republicans are a part of the general electorate and the fact they nominated the member of a traditional cult to represent their party indicts them as well. Secularism, whether we like to admit it or not, is impacting our elections enormously and in ways perhaps never seen in this country.

Is God in the choices which were made yesterday? Absolutely. God tells us in Romans 13 He raises up all authority and the government of the United States is one such authority. However, sometimes God gives us what we deserve or need rather than the blessing He would otherwise bestow upon us. Could it be we are now in a place where we are simply getting what we deserve or need? Only time will tell what God has in mind with the reelection of President Obama. The fact so many of our fellow citizens do not follow Christ and 20% of our populace feel no accountability to any deity at all makes me very concerned for what lies ahead.


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