Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to Prepare For The Change Which Lies Ahead

Change is an inevitable part of life. Like it or not, change, in all of its forms, good and bad, is a part of our time on earth. If you live long enough, just about everything in your world is going to change one way or another. Realizing the inevitability of change, we must decide what kind of attitude we will have when it comes our way.

Attitude is the one part of change we can control. In fact, it is the only part of change we are guaranteed any control at all. Will you respond to change with faith and the strength, energy, vitality and optimism which comes with it or will you be faithless and experience the negativity, pessimism, weakness and hopeless which comes with it? Which will you choose? 

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is in control, perfectly so, and can be trusted in the midst of the uncertainty change often brings to our life. All of us need something unchanging upon which to build our life! God promises to be unchanging. Regardless of the changing circumstances of our world or personal life, God is always the same and always in control. Decide today, come what may, you are going to have an attitude of faith the next time change makes its inevitable call upon your life.


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