Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Living by Faith...

"The just will live by faith." Paul wrote these words in Romans 1:17 and the implication here is the "normal Christian" life would be one lived by faith in Christ. But what is faith? How do I live by faith? How can I have more faith?

Faith is the combination of two things, belief and trust. Faith is more than simple belief! Faith is believing something is true and then trusting (relying upon, resting in, depending upon) what we know to be true. Unless you have come to the place where you trust what you believe you have not yet genuinely experienced faith.

Living a life of faith means living your life in light of your relationship with God and what He says is true. We must believe God is who He says He is and trust He will be completely faithful to do what He says He will do! Dependence upon the faithfulness and goodness of God enables us to be a person who lives by faith.

The first step to having more faith is reading the Word of God and learning more of who God is and what He has promised to do on our behalf. The second step is placing our trust in what we have come to believe is true in God's Word. Faith can be strengthened by our life experience but it is obtained and broadened through what we learn about God in His Word and trust to be true for our life!

Pray and ask God to help you live by faith today!



  1. This was exactly what I needed the other day James! Thanks for letting God use you! :)

  2. Thanks Jennifer...I am thankful God used me like that! Love the pictures of the baby! She is beautiful!
