Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Remedy For Worldwide Unrest

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" -- Romans 3:23

This week has been a very tumultuous one in Great Britain. Riots have overwhelmed the police in London as looters and hooligans have taken to the streets. But the riots and unrest don't stop with the UK. Syria, Spain, Greece, Portugal and even Philadelphia have experienced riots in the last few days. Whatever the reason, and most of it is economic, there are a lot of unhappy people who have decided the best way to vent their anger is to destroy or take the property of others.

What makes a person believe it ok to steal or destroy what belongs to another? How does hurting someone else solve one's own dilemmas in life? I wondered this almost 20 years ago when I watched Los Angeles blow up after the Rodney King verdict. We even had a rather bizarre congresswoman remark at the time, "No justice, no peace" in response to questions from those like myself; those looking for answers to the insanity.

Peaceful protest and civil disobedience have their place in the life of a democracy. When there is an injustice of some kind people should do what they can to call attention to it and demand change. But rioting is at best the worst response of fallen mankind to perceived injustice. Rioting and looting are often not even a response to perceived injustice at all but rather the greed of those who believe they can make a quick getaway with another's property during a crisis or satisfy their hatred toward neighbors.

It should never really surprise us to see what mankind is like once the niceties of civilization breakdown and mob rule takes over. Scripture teaches us in Romans 3 that everyone is a sinner and fallen; apart from Christ men and women are totally and completely depraved. When we see this depravity rear its ugly head during riots we are really just seeing the visible manifestation of what had been kept secret and hidden from the public view.

Christ is the only hope for fallen mankind. Jesus is the only remedy for our depravity and only hope for salvation. Those who place faith in Jesus for their forgiveness and life are changed into a person who would rather please God that steal a television set.


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