Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why is There Suffering in The World? Part 1

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -- John 16:33

Why is there suffering in the world? Regardless of our race, age or position in life we all ask this question. And it is very important for Christians to give an answer! If we have no answer for why an all powerful God allows bad things to take place we leave the world questioning the love and goodness of an infinitely loving and good God. We must be clear and honest so people might know the true character and nature of the God we serve!

We have to understand the ultimate reason for all suffering is sin. God never intended for any of us to suffer. He created a world with no trouble, hardships or suffering of any kind. But, when mankind chose to rebel against Him by sinning (any thought, word or deed contrary to God's will) the perfection of God's created order was changed forever. No longer was the world free from the consequences of sin. Man was thrust into a world of his own doing; a world of sin, sickness, corruption and death.

After man's rebellion against God, we were all left to live in a broken world. And our future in the next world looked bleak as well! We were all destined for an eternity separated from God in hell. But God initiated a plan in order to redeem (buy back) our future. God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to live and die on the Cross in order to pay for our sins. Now, if one believes Jesus died on the Cross for his sins and gives his life to Him, he or she can be saved from their rebellion against God and a future separated from Him in hell. Through Jesus Christ, God assured us of a future restored to His original intention for us; a life free from suffering of any kind.

But what about now? We still live in a sinful, imperfect world and there will be hard times on occasion. In fact, Jesus says there will be tribulation and suffering! Of course we know God can deliver us from suffering and certainly He does that on occasion. We will never know this side of Heaven just how much God has spared us while we live here on earth. However, because we are in a world tainted by the affects of mankind's rebellion against God, none of us can completely escape all suffering.

Now here is the real meat of our story today: If you are a believer in Christ something positive can come from anything you suffer in this life! God allows suffering into the life of His children because we are a part of the human race and live in a world marred by sin. However, when believers in Christ endure such, they do so knowing God will take the painful hurt of the moment and produce something good.

There are three kinds of suffering in the life of a believer in Christ. We are going to look at these and what God accomplishes for us through each of them over the next three days...see you then!


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