Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Gun Violence: Can We Legislate Peace?

Can we change society simply by the passing of new laws to govern behavior? The question is often asked, "Can we legislate morality?" Of course the answer to this question is yes! We do legislate morality and actually must do so in order to maintain any sense of civil rest. However, can we change the true nature of our world through the legislative process? If President Obama and congress were to outlaw all guns would the new laws eliminate homicide or simply change the methodology chosen by criminals to do so? If we were to outlaw all liquor would we eliminate alcoholism or simply create new industries which would provide drink for those who demand it? If we outlaw premarital sex will we incur a lower rate of teen pregnancy? Any rational person sees the obvious answer to these rhetorical questions. In each instance changing the law would have some affect upon our culture but ultimately fail to attain the desired results. Morality can be legislated but good moral choices can never be coerced if someone is intent on making bad choices.

Behavior is only changed when a person receives a new heart and nature through relationship with Jesus Christ. Only those who have encountered the power of God can genuinely be free from the power of sin; a power which draws each of us into one poor moral choice after another. When will the church realize the opportunity before her? When will we see the futility of substituting legislative or political action for spiritual fervor? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power by which individuals and our nation can be genuinely changed for good. 

Share the Gospel today!

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