Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Christmastide has ended and we are back to the grind of the post-holiday world. We are now in resolution mode! If you are like most folks, you have recently resolved to change at least a few things about your life in 2013. A survey taken a few years ago found 75% of people eventually break their resolutions and a third don't even make it to the end of January before doing so! How can we beat the odds and stick to our new plans? Here are a few helpful hints:

1. Is your resolution just a good idea or something which really needs to happen in your life?  -- Pray about the size of your list! Focus on the really important things and prioritize them. If your resolution isn't important to the overall quality of your life then don't put it on your list! Too often we overload ourselves with a list of resolutions that are too long and unimportant. Make a short list of the things you really feel need to happen and stick to the short list! 

2. Is your resolution a "God-thing" or a "Good-thing?" -- If your resolutions are God led your motivation and ability to keep them will be infinitely greater than if your list is something you come up with on your own...regardless of how good your list may be.

3. Pray Pray Pray! -- Pray everyday for God to help you make the changes He has led you to make. Prayer does change things, beginning with you! Ask God to keep you in repentance. Repentance being a change of direction which is the crux of what any resolution.

4. Ask friend to help you -- Accountability is a good thing especially when resolving to change something about ourself. This is why groups such as AA team individuals up with a "sponsor" when they join. Someone to cheer and hold us accountable is of great value when the inspiration to change has waned and the going gets tough. 

You can keep your resolutions in 2013! Pray, receive your plans from God and trust Him for the ability to be the person He wants you to be!


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