Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hurting Children Should Not Be a Prop For a Political Crusade

Let me begin this morning by saying this is not an issue of political affiliation. Democrat or Republican I would feel the same about this issue. 

This morning, President Obama used children as a prop in his campaign for comprehensive gun control. Exploiting the fears of seven year olds in one's argument for gun legislation is a new low for the office of the presidency. Is there no shame in the White House of the United States in 2013?

We are called to pray for our leaders and it is obvious our current president needs prayer as no other president ever has. We seemingly have a man bereft of a moral compass occupying the Oval Office. Regardless of what you think about gun laws there can be no excuse for the use of children and their attempts to understand the evils of Sandy Hook in one's campaign to change long held beliefs about gun ownership. Where is the public outcry from BOTH parties at the heinous use of innocence this morning?

It is time for the people of the United States to wake up and demand more from its leadership, Democrat and Republican alike. Christians in particular should make their voice heard in the public square and do so without compromise or apology for their cherished beliefs. Hurting, confused and brokenhearted children should be comforted, protected and nurtured not used as political props for a political crusade. If our nation refuses to demand more from its leadership we lack the moral fortitude with which to lead ourselves. Democracy in the United States will live or die on the morality of her people.


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