Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are You Having Faith in God for Today?

What are you having faith in God for today? Do you have a hard time answering this question? Scripture teaches the just (Christians...those found to be in right standing with God) live their life by faith in God (Romans 1:17). Christians are supposed to live beyond what they can see, know or do for themselves. We are called to live our life believing and trusting God for what He can see and do for us. So, what are you having faith in God for today? And before you say it...I am talking the day to day earthly stuff! We all (as believers) trust God for forgiveness and eternal life or we wouldn't be Christians in the first place!

If you want to do a better job of living your life by faith then begin the change by actually confessing faith in Christ. Simply pray and tell God you believe and trust Him. Confess to God your fears, doubts, struggles and needs; let Him know you are having faith in Him for these cares and challenges. Tell God you believe in Him and trust He will work things out in such a way that brings glory to Him. Tell God you have faith in Him for the abundant life He said He wants each of His children to have. After you have prayed and confessed faith ask God to make your faith real and tenacious! Ask God to help you believe and trust Him even when the going gets tough! Remember Peter! He had faith enough to walk on water but when the wind and waves distracted him he took his eyes off Christ and began to sink! Pray God will help you keep your eyes on Him no matter the cares of life!

We must remember "lip service" will never do in matters of faith. Confession is wonderful but confession must be accompanied by actual belief for faith to happen (Romans 10:9). So believe in your heart God will work all things out for your good. Believe God will work everything out in your life so you will become more like Christ and bring great glory to Him!

Faith is a conscious choice we make moment by moment. We really do have this wonderful choice to make! So consider your life and choose to live by faith today! Believe God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do! He will be faithful!



  1. Thanks James...that's some sound truth. I'm glad I read it today.

  2. Thanks bro...your new baby is awfully cute. Thanks for putting that video up yesterday.
