Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Every Man Dies But Not Every Man Truly Lives"

Every Christian is called to live his or her life by faith in Jesus Christ. Faith is really just the belief we have about God joined with trust in His character and ability to do what He says He will do. Those times which require faith in God are never easy moments for any of us because they are moments in which we let go of control. Control is security for most of us and to give up a sense of security is unnatural to our human nature. We love the safe and predictable. We love the assurances which come from a predictable routine. However, God has called each of us to live our life by faith in Him.

Many believers in Christ choose to live life attempting to control everything, immersed in routine, chained to predictability and what they perceive to be “safe;” such a life is the opposite of God’s will for our life. We are called to live by faith! Such a lifestyle kills the heart of the true believer. Believers are called to live a life free from the limitations of the mundane and natural. We are called to live a life free from the limitations of what we control!

How will you choose to live? Will you be Peter and get out of the boat to walk on water or will you be the rich young ruler who trusted in the things he possessed and the life he had built for himself? There is really only one choice; will you live by faith or not? There was a line in the movie “Brave Heart” a few years ago which said, “Every man dies but not every man truly lives.” What a tragedy if those who have experienced the eternal life of Christ never truly know what it is to live that life while spending their days here on earth!

Pastor James

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where To Find Hope In Any Circumstance

We are all looking for hope, an expectation of good. We want to look to our future with optimism. There is a way for such optimism to be a regular part of your life but it requires something of you. Hope and optimism are not for the faint of heart but for those courageous enough to let go of their life and place their trust in an all-powerful, all-knowing God.

One of the most memorized and quoted verses among Christians is one which often loses its power due to its familiarity. We know Proverbs 3:5-6 but all too often lack the realization of its intended impact for our life. "Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Hope, optimism, expectations of good, come to those who can relinquish control, cease trying to be God and rely upon the ability and character of our God. Until we let go and entrust ourselves to Him, we are imprisoned by the limitations, insecurities and weakness of our own estimations and abilities to deal with the uncertainties of life.

The more completely you give your life to Christ, the more hope you will experience in your life! A future filled with great expectations is found in Christ!


Monday, November 7, 2011

To My Beautiful Wife...

Today is my second wedding anniversary with my Kim. It is hard to believe we have been married for two years. I am blessed with a beautiful, loving, Christian woman as my wife and am thankful for her everyday. Next to my salvation and relationship with Christ, Kim is the most significant and wonderful gift God has ever given me.

I pray Kim knows how much I love and cherish her. Every man should be concerned that his wife knows how much she is loved and cherished. A woman needs to know these things and a man should feel compelled to demonstrate his feelings in ways which let his wife know with certainty she is loved! A woman finds life and vitality in the relationship she has with her husband if he will love and cherish her well. Many men lament the "coolness" or "coldness" of their wife when she is simply suffering the ill effects of the treatment received from her husband! Love your wife well and you will find the fires of love, respect and passion burning brightly in your home!

Kim, I love and cherish you everyday. I thank God for you and pray He will make me a better husband everyday.


Unhealthy Churches And Unhealthy Ministers

Eighty percent of Bible school or seminary graduates will leave the ministry within the first five years of graduation. Perhaps you should stop reading and let that statistic sink in for a moment. These are men and women who have finished their degree! These are the ones who sacrificed, studied and in many cases went into debt to attend school for the purpose of serving Christ in the ministry. Five years isn't a long time but it takes only five short years for 80% of these dedicated men and women to say "adios" to the ministry.

If the above statistic didn't unnerve you then consider a few others found in a recent survey of ministers: Eighty percent of pastors feel unqualified and discouraged in their role as pastor. Seventy percent of pastors constantly struggle with depression. Fifty percent of pastors say they would leave the ministry today if they could but have no other way to make a living. These are very disheartening statistics!

Ministry is a tough calling from God but it is made all the tougher when the minister is not spending time with God on a regular basis or is himself living a life of hidden sin. Statistics again show a bleak picture of the spirituality of the ministry. Almost 40% of ministers polled in the afore mentioned survey admit to having an extra-marital affair since entering the ministry. Seventy percent of ministers surveyed say they only spend time in the Word of God when preparing for a sermon each week. How can a person be God's man for the church when he isn't even living like one of God's men?

Churches are very hard on ministers in 21st century America and this also leads to many of the statistics we see above. While moral failure is the reason many leave their calling, more prevalent issues lead the majority of those who leave the ministry to do so. These issues include questions of who will control the church, expectations concerning the role of pastor and simple stress. Many churches today expect the pastor to be a master communicator, marketer, entertainer and administrator while finding time to visit or "check on" every church member with a sniffle. These are high expectations for one man, especially when others in the church refuse to fulfill their own ministry calling. The pastor is not the only one called to do pastoral ministry but in many churches he is the only one willing (and expected) to do so.

Only a fraction of those who begin a life of vocational ministry actually finish their "career' in ministry. This is a tragedy for the church and one which must be addressed. The church is in need of spiritual leadership from her pastors, elders and deacons. If there are few healthy men in the role of pastor or elder there will be a trickle down effect to the rest of the church. Healthy churches need healthy pastors!

Healthy pastors need healthy churches! Unless churches clearly define the Biblical role for the position of pastor/elder and drop the unbiblical expectations from the job description, quality pastors will constantly face depression and the desire to "get out."

Pray for your pastor today!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: How Much Wealth is Too Much?

Many Americans are taking to the streets right now in a protest uniformly known as "Occupy (enter city name here). What started as a Wall Street phenomenon has mushroomed into a nationwide protest against corporations and the wealthiest among us. While these protests seem to lack coherency or uniform demands, the fact they exist at all may demonstrate quite a bit concerning our country's collective soul. The existence of these protests begs the question, "What is fair when it comes to how much one may or may not possess?" Roseanne Bar believes she has the answer to such question in the video link found here. Her dream of a maximum wage of 100 million fails to adequately answer our question since she seems to have pulled her number out of thin air; I wonder how close her own personal wealth approaches such a figure?

Scripture is full of men of God who possessed great wealth. Abraham was a very rich and powerful man during his lifetime as was Isaac and Jacob. Joseph was second only to Pharaoh in power and wealth during a time in which Egypt was perhaps the wealthiest and most powerful nation on earth. Solomon was and is the wealthiest man the earth has ever known. Possessions and wealth are not inherently evil. It is not the possession of great wealth that is evil but the love of great wealth that is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim 6:10). And herein is the beginning of the answer to our question: A person is able to have infinite wealth as long as the possessions themselves never possess him; as long as "things" never take the place of God in his or her life.

God often gives great wealth and power to those whom He may trust to do His will. This does not mean every rich person is a Christian or even a righteous one; neither is it God's will to make every Christian wealthy. But, God often gives great wealth to individuals who have proven they will always turn the blessing back to God in praise, gratitude and obedience. Those who do not have such a capacity are often prevented, by God's grace, the temptation of having more wealth than they could bear. Therefore, as we consider how much is "enough" or "too much" wealth, there is an element of God's sovereignty to consider. You very well may be a person in whom God has determined He can place great resources for His Kingdom work. You may be one who has the generosity and capacity to hold loosely the gifts God has given and for these reasons He continues to bless you with more.

The communist Karl Marx popularized a motto in 1875 which stated, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)." Many would champion this ideology as the most compassionate and "Christian" one could hold. In fact, many who are marching in the streets of the United States likely hold to some form of this message. But, this is not the will of God! From the above examples we see it is often God's will to place great wealth, well beyond the needs of any individual, in the hands of those who will be God's blessing and provision for His work on earth. With this in mind, we must admit there are those who have wealth and use it for evil or selfish purposes. Yet, even these self-indulgent individuals are in affect used of God as He directs all things to His appointed end. The wealth of the wicked and the plans of the unrighteous are never outside the purpose and plans of our God. Satan himself found this out when his most crafty of plans, the cross, used to destroy the life of our Savior, was in reality a means in the hands of God for the accomplishment of His plan; the salvation of mankind. Our personal need is never the determinant when it comes to what we may possess. The plan God has for us, is the determinant for what we possess.

How much is too much? For the believer in Christ there is really no answer to such a question because we have no idea the extent of God's plan for our life. We will have all we need to fulfill God's will and purpose for the life we live on earth.

So what about fairness? While the popular cry seems to be for everyone to have the same amount of wealth in order for fairness to be achieved such a notion has never been a part of God's plan for the world. "Fairness" isn't determined by the opinions of actors, politicians or pastors. Fairness is determined by God as He decides what is necessary for each of us to fulfill His purposes. If one receives great wealth in this life he or she also receives with it the great responsibility of using it for God's Kingdom plans on earth.

John Wesley was once quoted to have said, "Make all you can, save all you can, give away all you can." Perhaps this little quote is better summation of what I have written today than I could ever provide for myself. What you have is not nearly as important as what you do with what you have. May all we have and all we do be to the glory and for the purposes of God!

Pastor James

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Road to a Blessed Life: Why Faith Matters

When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and told she would give birth to the Savior of the world she believed what the angel told her and asked how it would be done. This is in stark contrast to the father of John the Baptist who, when told by Gabriel his aged wife would give birth, doubted the word of the angel and asked for proof it would happen. The consequence of Zechariah's unbelief was nine long months of no talking! God gave proof that the word of the angel was true but the proof was a consequence of his unbelief. This (consequence) is the case when we lack faith in God's Word! Both of these stories can be found in Luke chapter 1 and I encourage you to read them today!

Unbelief produces a myriad of problems for those who doubt God and His Word, the Bible. Often times, we miss out on the promises of God for no other reason than our lack of faith to embrace and realize them in our life. The old adage is true, "God has great things in store for you!" But the "great things" often require great faith! If you lack the faith, you lack the greatness the Lord intends for your life! Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist) was visited by Mary and encouraged her with the words found in Luke 1:45, "Blessed is she who has believed what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." This blessing is for you and I as well! Blessed are those who believe what the Lord has said to them will be accomplished! What are you struggling to have faith for today? What have you found in God's Word that you struggle to believe is true for you?

God's Word, the Bible, is absolutely true, perfect and without any mixture of error. These Scriptures are for the building of our faith and what God promises therein is absolutely trustworthy. Pray and make sure you are not looking for signs where promises are already made by the One God who always keeps His Word!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Is Mormonism a Branch of Christianity: Is Mitt Romney a Christian?

Is Mormonism a branch of traditional Christianity? The current controversy surrounding the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the White House has brought this question to the forefront of our 24 hour news cycle. Is Romney, an avowed Mormon, a Christian like any Baptist, Presbyterian or Methodist is generally thought to be? The question finds it's answer in a quick look at the differences between the two groups: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and what is traditionally known as Christianity.

Christians believe God has always existed in His current form; God has, in affect, always been God. Mormons believe God was once a man as we are now men and women. Mormons believe God was exalted to Godhood and begat billions of spiritual children through his spiritual wife; the firstborn among these children was Jesus. During preexistent times (before earth and humans) Mormons believe these spiritual children had a war with one another. Lucifer, also a child of God, led the rebellion against Jesus and the followers of God. The spirits who chose not to become involved in this rebellion latter became human beings on earth.

Christians believe human beings are created in the image of God and become existent upon conception. Christians believe that they will someday go to Heaven to be with God for eternity. Christians believe humans will live in eternity to love, worship, serve, glorify and enjoy God as well as all He has prepared for us in Heaven. Mormons believe each human male has the opportunity, through a faithful and moral life on earth, to someday be exalted to Godhood as the Mormon god is now. Mormons believe each man has the potential to be exalted to a God and have his own planet to populate. Of course this is not the greatest future for the wives of Mormons as they will be eternally pregnant birthing spirit children.

Christians claim the Bible, Old and New Testaments, as holy scripture, authoritative for matters of faith. Mormons claim a book of scripture in addition to the Bible as holy and authoritative for faith. Joseph Smith, the creator and founder of Mormonism, claimed to have been visited by an angel named Moroni who gave him a set of gold tablets and seer stones with which to interpret these tablets. It is from these "tablets" Smith claimed he created "The Book of Mormon." Mormons claim this book to be a testament of faith equal in authority to the Christian Bible. Christians do not accept the "Book of Mormon" in any way shape or form. "The Book of Mormon" has never been accepted as Scripture by any Christian group in the history of the church.

Mormons have always attempted to relate themselves to the traditional Christian church in an effort to gain validity for their theological cult. As you can see from these few examples mentioned here, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) is in no way related to the true Christian faith. The Mormon definition of God, Jesus, the doctrine of humanity and Scripture are all very different from the definitions found in traditional Christianity.

Mormons are usually very nice, moral people with conservative, traditional values. They are often very likable and most would like to believe they are Christian on account of these things. But, there are many likable, friendly, moral people who are lost and going to hell because they lack an authentic relationship with the one true God through His Son Jesus Christ. Pray for those you know lost in the deception of the Mormon cult. Many of these fine people do not know the true doctrines of their Mormon faith and how they differ from those of traditional Christianity.

Do not be fooled by those who claim Christ yet have very different ideas concerning who He was and is. For further information and help on how you can minister to those you know who are lost in Mormonism click on the following link to be directed to a wonderful ministry called "The Watchman Fellowship."

Pastor James

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Steve Jobs Tragedy

The news is abuzz with stories about Steve Jobs and the wonderful things he brought to the world. I have an iPhone, iPad and once owned an iPod. My life is significantly different because of Steve Job's creative genius. But the accolades seem to go beyond the many things he left behind; there are an overabundance of stories concerning Job's management style, leadership style and passion for life. While all of these are noteworthy, the one overarching point which seems to be missed in the adulation is his lack of faith. Steve Jobs was an avowed buddhist and died separated from God.

"What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" These words from Jesus are pertinent to the Steve Jobs story. Mr Jobs, as much as any man before him, gained the world. He had an unlimited supply of money, tremendous gift of creative genius, worldwide fame and enormous power. Jobs had the world but in the process of attaining it lost his soul. To believe otherwise is to deny the words of Christ when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." The only way to God is through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The only way to God is through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. While living a life devoted to learning, creating and possessing, Steve jobs missed the most important thing to be known and possessed in this life; Jesus Christ and His salvation.

Steve Jobs will be missed for the things he gave us but 50 years from now everything he created will be in an antique shop or city dump. The old poem says, "Only one life t'will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last." No truer words can be said while reminiscing the life of one such as Steve Jobs. May his passing convict our hearts, bring us to more concerted prayer and produce urgency to share our Savior with the world lost in darkness.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why There is Suffering in The Life of The Believer...Part 3

"These (trials) have come so your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proven genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." -- 1 Peter 1:7

Some suffering in the life of the believer is for the purpose of instruction. Through suffering we learn about our God and faith. This type of suffering reveals more and more of who we are in Jesus and what He has done for us. Simply put, this type of suffering matures us as believers in Christ.

Sometimes God removes the storms in our life and at other times He allows the storm to rage while holding us close to Himself. It is during these "storms" that we learn of the faithfulness, character, love and power of our God. Jesus wants us to know these things and uses suffering for this end! Our faith is "proven" or demonstrated for what it is during these difficult times, resulting in a deeper faith which enables our life to bring greater praise, glory and honor to God.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Why Is There Suffering In The World? Part 2

“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves as a father the son he delights in.” –Proverbs 3:11-12

Some suffering that occurs in the life of the believer in Christ is for the purpose of correction. For instance, if a believer falls into sin with his unbelieving neighbor and gets drunk tonight, both men will suffer a hangover tomorrow morning. For the unbeliever this is just what one suffers for a night of "fun." But for the believer in Christ the hangover is also corrective discipline by which God shows His child that this choice of action is not God's will for his life. Believer and unbeliever alike will suffer a hangover as a result of excessive drinking but the suffering has purpose in the life of the believer. Apart from Christ the headache, nausea and general misery associated with the morning after a night of binge drinking has no purpose at all. (By the way, I am not advocating drinking but the illustration was too good to pass up.)

Sometimes our suffering is the method God uses to direct us to a better way of living; His way of living! God loves us and wants the very best for our life. God's discipline, even when it comes through some type of suffering, directs us to His very best for our life.

Part 3 tomorrow,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why is There Suffering in The World? Part 1

"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." -- John 16:33

Why is there suffering in the world? Regardless of our race, age or position in life we all ask this question. And it is very important for Christians to give an answer! If we have no answer for why an all powerful God allows bad things to take place we leave the world questioning the love and goodness of an infinitely loving and good God. We must be clear and honest so people might know the true character and nature of the God we serve!

We have to understand the ultimate reason for all suffering is sin. God never intended for any of us to suffer. He created a world with no trouble, hardships or suffering of any kind. But, when mankind chose to rebel against Him by sinning (any thought, word or deed contrary to God's will) the perfection of God's created order was changed forever. No longer was the world free from the consequences of sin. Man was thrust into a world of his own doing; a world of sin, sickness, corruption and death.

After man's rebellion against God, we were all left to live in a broken world. And our future in the next world looked bleak as well! We were all destined for an eternity separated from God in hell. But God initiated a plan in order to redeem (buy back) our future. God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ to live and die on the Cross in order to pay for our sins. Now, if one believes Jesus died on the Cross for his sins and gives his life to Him, he or she can be saved from their rebellion against God and a future separated from Him in hell. Through Jesus Christ, God assured us of a future restored to His original intention for us; a life free from suffering of any kind.

But what about now? We still live in a sinful, imperfect world and there will be hard times on occasion. In fact, Jesus says there will be tribulation and suffering! Of course we know God can deliver us from suffering and certainly He does that on occasion. We will never know this side of Heaven just how much God has spared us while we live here on earth. However, because we are in a world tainted by the affects of mankind's rebellion against God, none of us can completely escape all suffering.

Now here is the real meat of our story today: If you are a believer in Christ something positive can come from anything you suffer in this life! God allows suffering into the life of His children because we are a part of the human race and live in a world marred by sin. However, when believers in Christ endure such, they do so knowing God will take the painful hurt of the moment and produce something good.

There are three kinds of suffering in the life of a believer in Christ. We are going to look at these and what God accomplishes for us through each of them over the next three days...see you then!


Monday, August 15, 2011

Christ Says No To The Oprah Winfrey Gospel

The following article READ HERE is the transcript of a speech President Obama recently gave at the White House in honor of the Muslim holiday Ramadan. Many Americans are falling for the key ideas in Mr Obama's speech; the idea that faiths are equally good and all people are children of God. This is an unbiblical idea! The children of God are those who place faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and give their life to Him. Do not be fooled into believing the "Oprah Winfrey" false gospel; a gospel that teaches there are many ways to God and you may simply choose which is best for you. Jesus clearly taught His disciples, "I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me." We cannot passively sit by and let our leaders attempt to influence the public with such heretical lies. We must lovingly, gently, proclaim what is true...God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son Jesus so that whosoever would place faith in Him doesn't have to perish but will instead be saved!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Praying For Barack Hussein Obama

"'I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone...for kings, and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness." -- 1 Timothy 2:1-2

It doesn't matter one iota who you wish had won the election of 2008. It doesn't matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat. It doesn't matter who you hope will win the election of 2012! God wants us to pray for our leaders and right now our leader is Barack Obama.

I do not pray for all of President Obama's policies to succeed. In fact I often pray just the opposite of what Mr Obama hopes to succeed. I pray according to what I believe God wants for our country on moral and social issues so at times this puts me at odds with the president. I pray for an end to abortion. I pray for the defense of Biblical marriage. I pray for a revival of Christianity to the point our nation is once again thought to be a Christian nation. I do not believe Mr Obama hopes or prays for these same things. In fact, it appears he may hope and pray for just the opposite on some or all of these. But, I do pray for President Obama. I pray for the salvation of his soul, that God would guide him and give him wisdom. I pray that Mr Obama would follow God's ways of doing things and make good decisions for our country. I pray these things because I desire to live a quiet life in all godliness and holiness. I pray for President Obama because God has told me to do so and I will obey Jesus my Lord!

How are you praying for our president, congressmen and judges today?


Friday, August 12, 2011

Ultrasound Changes Minds and Saves Lives

Great article which begs the question, "Why would 80% of women who see an ultrasound of their baby change their mind about getting an abortion?" The answer: "There's a baby in there!" God's grace is extended to those who have had an abortion! Let's pray for an end to this horrible practice!


Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Remedy For Worldwide Unrest

"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" -- Romans 3:23

This week has been a very tumultuous one in Great Britain. Riots have overwhelmed the police in London as looters and hooligans have taken to the streets. But the riots and unrest don't stop with the UK. Syria, Spain, Greece, Portugal and even Philadelphia have experienced riots in the last few days. Whatever the reason, and most of it is economic, there are a lot of unhappy people who have decided the best way to vent their anger is to destroy or take the property of others.

What makes a person believe it ok to steal or destroy what belongs to another? How does hurting someone else solve one's own dilemmas in life? I wondered this almost 20 years ago when I watched Los Angeles blow up after the Rodney King verdict. We even had a rather bizarre congresswoman remark at the time, "No justice, no peace" in response to questions from those like myself; those looking for answers to the insanity.

Peaceful protest and civil disobedience have their place in the life of a democracy. When there is an injustice of some kind people should do what they can to call attention to it and demand change. But rioting is at best the worst response of fallen mankind to perceived injustice. Rioting and looting are often not even a response to perceived injustice at all but rather the greed of those who believe they can make a quick getaway with another's property during a crisis or satisfy their hatred toward neighbors.

It should never really surprise us to see what mankind is like once the niceties of civilization breakdown and mob rule takes over. Scripture teaches us in Romans 3 that everyone is a sinner and fallen; apart from Christ men and women are totally and completely depraved. When we see this depravity rear its ugly head during riots we are really just seeing the visible manifestation of what had been kept secret and hidden from the public view.

Christ is the only hope for fallen mankind. Jesus is the only remedy for our depravity and only hope for salvation. Those who place faith in Jesus for their forgiveness and life are changed into a person who would rather please God that steal a television set.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should We Only Vote For Christians in 2012?

"Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
-- John Jay (First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court)

Some ask whether the faith of a political candidate matters and my answer is a resounding yes! Why would believers ever consider a candidate who does not obviously have a relationship with the Living God? Why would we ever consider someone for office who is not led by the Holy Spirit and does not have Jesus for their Lord?

Popular culture and the media have done all they can to remove faith from the public discourse. Candidates are considered fringe or just shy of raving lunatics if they speak of their faith in anything more than hushed, almost embarrassed tones. This has not always been the case! As Jay's quote demonstrates, we once were a nation driven by faith and ideology rather than charm, looks and salesmanship. It is high time the church demand principled, christian leadership from our government. We have a responsibility, as christians living in a democracy, to demand no less!

Pray for our nation and be ready for 2012!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hope We Can Really Believe In!

"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." -- Romans 5:2b

Hope and change you can believe in! These words were key to the political campaign of our current president in 2008 and the slogan helped sweep him into office. People all around us are looking for hope in a myriad of areas in their life. This of course begs the question, "What exactly is hope and where can one actually find it?"

Hope is simply the expectation of good. Each of us would prefer to look to our future with optimistic expectations. How can we do so? There is only one place any of us can possibly find guaranteed hope for our future...Jesus Christ. Apart from Christ there is no security, no guarantees or no solid expectations. People look to politicians, friends, family, money, and any number of other places for hope because everyone desperately wants to believe good things are in their future. But, there will never be a place to find real, lasting, certain hope outside of Jesus Christ and His promise of new life through Him. The president's election team was brilliant to tap into this universal desire when packaging their man for the presidential contest of 2008. Unfortunately for President Obama, no human being can ever guarantee real, lasting hope for the future; only Jesus Christ can do that!

Where are you looking for hope? Are you looking for your hope in Christ or in circumstances, people and things?


Monday, August 8, 2011

Change We Need And How To Get It

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." -- Acts 4:13

I make no bones about my politics. I am pro-life, pro-second amendment, conservative by most counts and believe in lower taxes. However, I do not believe for one minute we will ever change the world through the ballot box. Politics and government are important but they are not the means by which God changes a nation. A nation is changed when individuals begin to experience "life change" through Jesus Christ. There is a process by which this "national transformation" happens: As individuals change families changes and as families change churches change and as churches change communities change and as communities change states change and as states change nations change and as nations change the world changes. But all of this change happens through Jesus Christ. No man is ever truly changed apart from Jesus Christ.

Two of Jesus' disciples, Peter and John, were once arrested and brought before the religious leaders of Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin. The two disciples were unlearned men, brought up as fishermen, neither were scholars. They had no "bona fides" save one, they had been with Jesus. Their mere association with Jesus had radically changed them and made them mighty, powerful and troublemakers in the eyes of the officials. The Sanhedrin knew Jerusalem was changing; the city was being turned upside down by the disciples of Jesus. The upheaval had begun in the lives of individuals like Peter and John. Once enough individuals began to experience "life change" through Christ a major change in the city was begun!

Do you want to see your city, nation and world change? Then pray and ask God to change you first! Start spending more time with Jesus and watch what He does as He changes you and the world in which you live everyday. It really is true...a fire starts with only a spark. YOU may be the very spark God uses to start a mighty revival fire for this nation! Believe!


Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Love Without End

"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -- Romans 8:39

I am now the father of a six week old child! What an incredible gift from God! I feel like Abraham sometimes...In my old age God has given me a son! Now, I feel that way, old, when I am up at 3 in the morning with my CRYING son! But, even in the midst of the little sacrifices we make for him, I never cease to completely and unconditionally love my little boy.

God loves you and I the same way: completely and unconditionally (multiplied by infinity). In fact, Scripture says there is absolutely nothing in all of creation which can separate a follower of Christ from the love of God. There is nothing we can do which would ever cause God to cease loving us. This morning as you go to worship meditate upon this wonderful, incredible, awesome fact of life...God completely, unconditionally, forever loves those who have faith in Him!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Can You Be a Lukewarm Christian???

Take a few minutes and listen to this brief interview. It will encourage some and convict others! Jesus invites us to die to all we are so we might live in Him!


Let Freedom (and faith) Ring!

"Jesus could not do many miracles there, except lay His hands on a few sick people and heal them. And He was amazed at their lack of faith." -- Mark 6:5-6a

When I was single I once had lunch with a man who asked, "Do you believe it is God's will for you to be married someday?" I certainly felt it was God's will and answered in the affirmative. His reply, "In that case begin praying in faith, believing that God is even now bringing you to your wife and your wife to you." Eureka, what a wonderful change in my life was born on that day!

We are so often tempted to think in frightened, indecisive and negative ways. Such thinking can easily make it into our prayer life and rob us of faith! Why not believe and have faith for what God has allowed to (currently) be the desire of our heart? At worst, so to speak, God will make these desires a reality and at best He will change our desires to better fit His plans for us. What we currently believe to be God's will should be our firm foundation of faith! That said, we should certainly be continually submitted to Christ and willing for Him to change the desires of our heart! After all, Christ is the Lord of our life! We belong to Him! We should pray for Christ to change our heart at any point where we are not aligned with His perfect will for our life.

What do you currently believe to be God's will for your family, job, ministry or relationships? Trust God, have faith and believe God is either in the process of making your desires a reality or is in the process of changing your desires altogether! Such faith in Christ can bring incredible freedom as we let go of the temptation to continually doubt, question and deny the desires God has allowed to be written on our heart submitted to Him.


Friday, August 5, 2011

The United States Is In Trouble

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." -- 2 Chronicles 7:14

Our country is in trouble. This simple sentence sums up a most profound circumstance in which all of us have a stake. The United States presently finds herself in one of the most incredible crises of her 235 year history. Unless something happens soon to change our chartered course, we will find ourselves in the land of other failed nations and empires.

Most would consider our current economic malaise as reason for a bleak outlook ahead, but the reality of our situation is much more than simple economics. Our country has lost its collective soul, and unless we soon find God, we will soon find His wrath. One thing we know with certainty is that God does not show favor to those nations which deny Him. America has denied God's authority for a number of years but only recently has she been so bold as to completely deny Him. No longer is God revered in the public square, entreated in public discourse or honored as the source of our blessing. We have become a proud people who believe ourselves responsible for our own success and capable of our own rescue. We are led by those who deny God's existence in their own day and attempt to deny the confession of our founding fathers in their day as well.

Reverence begins with the house of God. Our churches need only blame themselves for the lack of respect and honor paid to her God in the public square. In times past even the godless dared not ridicule, belittle or deny the Christian God for fear of the ire of His church. Today, such respect is no longer afforded to those who profess faith. Presidential candidates who publicly speak of their love for Christ are ridiculed and thought unfit to lead. The public instead extols the greatness of those who would live in a pluralistic society under the banner of relativism. We bought into the lie of Satan and adopted the idea that faith was a private matter, unfit for polite conversation, and thereby lost our voice in the public square.

Today we are told the White House is preparing for the downgrading of our national credit rating. Our kids will find it far more difficult to enjoy the same level of economic prosperity we have enjoyed in our lifetime. Iran is soon to have atomic weapons, China literally owns huge sums of America as she funds large amounts of our debt. We are facing a future filled with uncertainty and instability on all sides.

The popular culture today celebrates immorality as normalcy. No longer are people embarrassed by their sin for it is championed as righteousness. We are literally living a Romans 1 existence; right is wrong, wrong is right, up is down and down is up. Our children are assaulted on every front as the most perverse of sins are now being taught in our schools as normal human behavior. Those who champion decency and righteousness are in turn ridiculed and called bigots.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised by the assault on our beliefs by those who do not follow Christ. Jesus said we would face hardship and tribulation in this life. But, He also said He has overcome the world. We do not have to lay down and watch the destruction of this nation. We do not have to acquiesce and watch her torn apart by those who would sacrifice her to the powers of darkness. Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world. Satan has lost the war for our souls and he can lose the battle for the future of the United States of America as well.

It is time that we, the church, humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, turn from our wicked ways and ask God to heal our land...


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Victory Over Certain Defeat

In chapter 8 of the Book of Acts, the church in Jerusalem finds itself under intense persecution. The persecution was so intense that the believers had to flee the city altogether. Leading the charge against these early Christians was a man named Saul; a leader and gifted teacher among the sect of Jewish leaders called Pharisees. I am sure in the middle of this intense time of hardship the church wondered why God would allow such a devastating set of circumstances to come upon the young church.

However, God had great plans for the believers and the schemes of their persecutors could never derail these plans! The result of the persecution and dispersion of the Jerusalem believers was the spread of the Gospel beyond the walls of the city of Jerusalem! The entire church became an army of missionaries and evangelists as they went! One such example of this evangelistic wave is seen in the same chapter of Acts when Philip, a deacon in the Jerusalem church, shares the Gospel with an Ethiopian. The Gospel was taught and preached by the dispersed “missionaries” of the Jerusalem church. Later, Saul himself would become a follower of Christ and be known as the Apostle Paul! God truly does work in mysterious and wonderful ways!

If you may find your life in an “interesting” or “difficult” place right now, remember the story of the Jerusalem church in Acts 8. What may seem bad right now can become something wonderful in the hands of God. Keep your eyes open and look for where God is working around you. God does not waste one day or set of circumstances in our life! Exercise faith and believe God for something good even when everything around you paints a picture of defeat. God is about the business of turning hopeless situations into great victories if we will believe Him for the win. You may be surprised at the good lemonade God makes out of the lemons in your life!

Pastor James

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Someone Explain This One To Me Please

This video has received over 42 million hits...so there must be something special about it...right?

Friday, June 10, 2011

How We Should Approach Worship

Great article by Tommy Nelson on how we should approach our time with God on Sunday. Read Article Here


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Larry Flynt's Example

We shouldn't expect righteousness (God's way of doing things) from sinners still separated from Christ but on occasion we see the ravaging effects of sin in such a particularly dark way it surprises. This darkness is seen in an Adolph Hitler or an Osama Bin Laden type of individual and when such a person appears on the scene we should pause to reflect upon what turns a human being into such a cold, uncaring creature. Larry Flynt has given us one such opportunity for reflection when he recently commented on Sarah Palin and her son born with Down Syndrome. Flynt said Palin's son, "Trig," wasn't human but rather an "it" who didn't even know of his existence in the world. Flynt went on to say Palin should have had an abortion rather than bring Trig into the world. READ STORY What makes a person so evil and cold, depraved and heartless? What brings a person to the point where he or she has total disregard for human life?

Romans 1 teaches there are men and women in the world who claim to be wise but have in fact become fools; such would be the case for Larry Flynt. These fools have exchanged the glory of the true God for the lie of idols and demon doctrines. Scripture teaches that God turns such men and women over to what Scripture calls a "depraved mind." Here is where we find men such as Hitler, Bin Laden and Flynt. Such depravity eventually leads one to complete confusion concerning what is morally right. Such a man or woman thinks up is down, good is bad and right is wrong.

Larry Flynt is to be pitied for his words concerning Trig. He is a man under the influence of demons and the words from his mouth are the words of a depraved mind controlled by the powers of darkness. Christians should pray for such men yet never be surprised by the darkness contained therein. With this in mind, we must never forget our war is not with the "Larry Flynts" of the world but rather against the "rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)" God loves Larry Flynt and is grieved over his rebellion against Him.

Flynt loves to point out the hypocrisy in the life of others and he is right in pointing out that we have all sinned. However, not all of us have embraced sin and called it good. Some of us have responded to God's conviction and repented of our sin to follow Christ. Christians may not be perfect but we are committed to Christ and His way of living (righteousness).

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go and cost you more than you want to pay." "The wages of sin is death." Flynt has given evidence to the truth of such proverbs and Scripture. Sin is not something to be trifled with or tolerated in our life. "Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? (Proverbs 6:27)" Sin or Christ will radically change your life...Choose this day who you will serve!

Pastor James

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunday's Sermon (May 8th) Is To Your Left!

The Lord is our Shepherd through the hard times...Psalm 23:4a


God's Fame...Part 1

"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy." -- Habakkuk 3:2

If you are one of the fortunate people who owns a Bible in your language (over 2000 languages still do not have a Bible translation, representing over 340 million people), you have the privilege of knowing some of the history of our God. The awesome deeds of Jehovah are too numerous to count but many are recorded for us in the Word of God, the Bible. Scripture teaches that God created the heavens and the earth, breathed life into us, delivered the Israelites out of Egypt, sent his Son to die for the sins of the world, raised His Son from the dead and placed His Holy Spirit in the hearts of all who trust Jesus Christ for salvation. What an incredible blessing to read and know some of the wonderful deeds (and promises) of our God! The fame of Jehovah is increased each time someone opens the Word of God.

But what about your life? Every Christian has a testimony of God's wonderful and awesome deeds in his or her own life. All of us have a story to tell and an opportunity to increase God's fame when we tell it. Have you taken the time lately to put the awesome and mighty deeds of God on display for those who are a part of your life? Believer and unbeliever alike stand to benefit from testimony of the supernatural power of the God demonstrated in the life of someone close to them! Don't hold your tongue! Don't be afraid to tell the world of God's mighty acts in your life. Let the world know of Jehovah's mighty acts so they too may stand in awe of Him!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sermon 2011 Is On Your Left

Click the sermon player on the sidebar for this morning's sermon from Forest Avenue Baptist Church.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Living in Resurrection Power

Easter is the most wonderful holiday on the calendar for Christians. On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead! Have you given much thought lately to what the resurrection means for you personally?

Jesus rose from the dead and this means we too have hope for eternal life! The word "hope" means "an expectation of good" and we have great expectations for our eternal future because of the empty tomb found on that first Easter morning!

What a powerful witness of God's great power when He raised Jesus from the dead! Paul tells us in Romans 6 that we too have been raised from the dead through our faith in Christ. He goes on in this same chapter to say that the power which raised Jesus from the dead is at work in Christians enabling us to live a new and victorious life. God wants us to understand the resurrection of Jesus in terms of our death to sin and new life in Christ.

The resurrection means new expectations both for this life and the next!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Give Thanks...His Love Endures Forever!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus"
-- Philippians 4:6-7

We often encourage one another to take our worries and fears before God in prayer. For the believer, it is an obvious choice to pray and lift our weaknesses to the God who loves us with an incomprehensible kind of love. But this verse challenges us to do something in particular when we lift our cares before the Lord; Paul tells us we should give thanks to God when we lift our cares to the King!

Thanksgiving is more than a holiday in late November! Giving thanks actually builds and strengthens our faith in God! When we give thanks, we rehearse the many blessings God has given us and the many times He has "come through for us" in past crisis. Thanksgiving reminds us of God's intentions toward us and His ability to help us. When we give thanks, along with our prayers for help, we express our confidence in God.

"Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"


Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Sermon On The Player To Your Left

For those interested this Sunday's sermon (3-27-11) is up!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

What It Means To Have a Shepherd

I was praying this afternoon and God brought me to Psalm 23. King David wrote this familiar Psalm and in so doing recognized his dependence upon God for everything. David, one of the mightiest men to ever walk the earth, understood his place in God's economy.

Kind David was far from perfect but he was called a "man after God's own heart." He was a mighty warrior, leader of men and the greatest King Israel had ever known. Men wanted to be David and women wanted to be married to David! He was the pro athlete, movie star and super hero of his day. Yet, even in the midst of the greatest blessing and success a man of his day could attain, David recognized his dependence upon God; the kind of dependence a sheep would have upon its shepherd.

David knew his life was not simply the product of what he could do, but rather the product of everything God could do in and through him. God was the Shepherd who provided for David's needs. God was the Shepherd who led David into righteousness (God's way of doing things) so David could glorify God (be a testimony of God's power and character). God was the Shepherd who protected (staff) and guided (rod) David through the day to day living of life. God was the Shepherd who never left David and gave Him courage as he experienced the shadows and valleys of life (even the valley of the shadow of death). God was the Shepherd in whom David entrusted his future and received hope of Heaven. David was thankful for all he knew God and God alone could do in, through and for him.

As I read and pray Psalm 23 I can almost feel the peace and relief King David must have felt as he wrote this great Psalm. David, one of the greatest, most capable men the earth had ever known, was relieved and at peace because he knew his life was completely in the hands of God. May we too find such great peace and release.
